Designed and produced by Kharkiv-based firearms manufacturer XADO-Holding, the 22. 5mm rifle specifies that testing has shown enough accuracy to hit an SUV-size target up to 3000m. 4K views 5 months ago Snipex Alligator is a Ukrainian long-range magazine-fed anti-materiel rifle of 14. 5mm and Snipex Alligator sniper rifles had successfully passed all state trials and evaluation. Повністю відповідає вимогам до оптичних приладів для далекобійних гвинтівок. 5×114 мм має вагу 25 кг, довжина зібраної гвинтівки – 2000 мм, довжина ствола – 1200 мм, початкова швидкість кулі – 980 м/с, ефективна дальність — до 2000 метрів, максимальна дальність польоту кулі —. 50 Beo. He achieved this from a distance of nearly 4,000 feet – or 0. As the modern battlefield remains a complex. ReplyAs the Snipex Alligator is such a large weapon, it makes sense that its ammunition would be, as well. Can be used in games as well as render pictures. When fully assembled, it sits at 79. 7: Набій: 14. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Photo credit: Snipex. Ukrainian Snipex Alligator 14. 50 BMG; Калібр: 14. “I was making a. The Request Center. The Snipex T-Rex rifle has the following characteristics: weight – 25 kg (as indicated on the company’s website, the weight was previously reported as 22. And the target is struck with. It’s armed with a 120-millimeter smoothbore gun and two 7. $ 650. dailystar. 11:57 PM · Mar 16, 2023. Snipex ALLIGATOR під набій 14. 5×114mm 탄을 사용하는 2m 전장의 대차량용 대물 저격소총으로, 경장갑. lake jocassee adventures. 5×114mm caliber #StandWithUkraine️ #StopRussia #ArmUkraineNow #StopPutin #Ukraine #UkraineWar #Russia #war #combat #footage #today #warzone #armaments #vehicles, #tank #explosion #bomb #missile #munition #artillery #aircraft #fighterjet #fighter #jet #drone #UAV #. . 122k members in the longrange community. See also Cool Mp 7 Price References. 1. За результатами державних випробувань гвинтівка Snipex ALLIGATOR калібру 14,5 прийнята на озброєння Збройних Сил України. The Ukrainian military uses a Ukrainian-developed multi-charge large-caliber sniper rifle with a longitudinally rotating shutter and a magazine feed of 14. As powerful as Barrett’s invention was, Ukraine’s new Snipex Alligator anti-materiel rifle goes one further. Yann. Ukrainian made by Snipex part of the XADO Corporation and adopted by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. 5mm 구경 장거리 대물 저격소총. That's 55 pounds. Schaken-Mods. Its rounds can penetrate armour that is half-an-inch thick from a mile away. این قدرت برای نفوذ به زره کناری ۹ میلیمتری یک نفربر زرهی چرخ دار روسی BTR-80 کافی است. Особливості. 20mm requires a permit. Some NCO's may even propagate this myth, but non of them can show you the source, and there are plenty of well-qualified. 90 a month; Mini: $7. Palestinian militant shot by IDF sniper (Nablus 2023-02-22) Ukrainian servicemen based in a dugout record their comrades moving forward through Bakhmut's 'no man's land' recently. Snipex T-Rex. The 25kg weapon is d. The Snipex Alligator long-range large-caliber magazine-fed repeating rifle is designed to engage moving and stationary targets: vehicles, communications and. In the biggest rifle calibers of them all. 57 caliber ammunition 14. 5x114mm. unknown sniper replaced Craig Harrison, who killed two Taliban in Afghanistan in November 2009 from a distance of 2,475 meters, firing the second-longest fatal shot of all. Because if the information is correct, he has. 5Ukraine’s long-range, anti-materiel rifle: Snipex "Alligator" 14. Still printing out the bolt. 3D Model weaponry weapons firearms rifle sniper rifle. Unknown quantity seen in combat during the Russo-Ukrainian War. 5mm×114 round originally used in. Si recuerdas, hace. The target is struck with almost 12 tons of energy. Featuring a traditional rifle arrangement, its chamber can hold up to five 14. All structured data from the main, Property, Lexeme, and EntitySchema namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; text in the other namespaces is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms. This enormous AMR (anti material rifle) shoots 14. The Snipex Alligator is a Ukrainian-designed and built anti-materiel rifle that debuted in 2020 and was quickly adopted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2021. We have previously reported about their T-Rex and Alligator 14. 5x114mm compared to 50 BMG? - Quora. Оптичні системи та кронштейни для ALLIGATOR. The Snipex T-Rex is a single-shot anti-materiel rifle chambered for the 14. Game-ready 3D model of Sniper Rifle Snipex Alligator. 57 calibre) is a heavy machine gun and anti-materiel rifle cartridge used by the Soviet Union, the former Warsaw Pact, modern Russia, and other countries. The Ukrainian defense industry is striving to supply the Army with domestic weaponry amid Russia's possible invasion tensions. Snipex Alligator — украинская крупнокалиберная снайперская винтовка, предназначенная для. The model has a total amount of polygons ~22. Сконструйована з урахуванням усіх вимог до зброї. Although it is technically. Ukraine -Russia War 2022#shortsMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):alligator is an ukrainian, bolt action, anti material sniper rifle produced in 2020. This. Introduced in 2020, the Snipex Alligator has been deployed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine for use in the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War. The barrel is fully open, has eight right grooves with a 15-inch. 42. 62-millimeter machine guns. Our website uses cookies to collect statistical visitor data and track interaction with direct marketing communication / improve our website and improve your browsing experience. 00 + shipping "Last of the eleven guns in the Jaeger Collection" I offer from my collection a rifle in . Manufacturer of lubricants who used the market opportunity created by the war with Russia to get into making gun lubes and finally their own rifles. The Alligator, developed by Snipex, is a highly specialized weapon, and a big one at that. लंदन: यूक्रेन के निशानेबाज अब तक की सबसे शक्तिशाली राइफलों में से एक स्निपेक्स एलीगेटर (Snipex Alligator) का उपयोग कर रहे हैं. $15 $10. 5x114mm Anti-Materiel Rifle (Snipex) The Snipex T-Rex is a single-shot bolt-action rifle which emerged in 2019. The Snipex Alligator can strike with nearly. Витримує горизонтальні. comment sorted by. برد موثر Snipex. Ukrainian gun maker Xado announced on its Facebook account that it’s Snipex T-Rex 14. Snipex «T-REX». Armistice DayZ Discord : music : F. Brought into service at the start of 2021. . The 14. How much more powerful is 14. ⚡️The 🇺🇦Ukrainian military uses a Ukrainian-developed multi-charge large-caliber sniper rifle with a longitudinally rotating shutter and a feed of 14. The rifle’s action is locked by three rows of locking lugs (13 lugs. It is designed to hit moving and stationary targets. За результатами державних випробувань гвинтівки прийняті на озброєння Збройних Сил України. Сконструйована. "Anti material" is a pretty catchy phrase! yes - the soviet "heavy 50" sits on top of a lot of soviet-type armored and wheeled vehicles. Discuss this update in the discussions section. Features great animations and a nice looking 3D model. 76 miles – marking the second time in recent memory that a Ukrainian sniper has made a long. On the front lines in Ukraine right now, one of the largest and most lethal sniper rifles in the world is in use. 50 or 20mm projectile options. Check it Out. SNIPEX ALLIGATOR 14. Snipex is a Ukrainian company (XADO Chemical Group subsidiary) specialized in designing and manufacturing anti-materiel rifles, particularly, AMRs chambered in 14. LUN4T1Cs Extravagant Weapons Delivery - Snipex Alligator /// Delivered by popular demand on r/stalker here comes the new Snipex Alligator in two variants, the classic crocodile green and the matte caiman black. 5mm ammo, but has been adapted to the more common 12. [#7] 14. 7:07 AM · Mar 20, 2023. [ F. The Snipex "Alligator" is an Anti-Material Rifle (AMR) manufactured by Ukrainian XADO-Holding, Limited. 43. 308. This page was last edited on 14 December 2022, at 05:38. 5x114mm antimaterial sniper rifle in Anomaly. I decided. This enormous AMR (anti material rifle) shoots 14. Відео. ODIN - OE Data Integration NetworkПОВНЕ ВІДЕО: Alligator - українська антиматеріальна гвитнівка!Купити. GI#: 101864898. In former Eastern Bloc countries, the anti-materiel cartridge of choice is the larger 14. 5mm anti-materiel rifle. Thanks to LLITYRMAVI4EK we now have a modern 14. But to answer your question, this catalogue for the Hungarian semi-automatic GM3M 14. Ukrainian forces are deploying a devastating mega sniper rifle in their battle against Vladimir Putin's invading troops. A crew of four operates the tank, including a commander, gunner. It’s claimed the Snipex Alligator can not only effectively take out enemy soldiers, but also light-armored vehicles and ammunition and fuel depots. 5mm is basically 2x the power of . Характеристики. It is offered for sale to civilians as a hunting weapon. 5mm Semi-Auto Anti-Materiel Rifle; Ukrainian Snipex LASKA K-2 Heavy Machine Gun; PG-14. This is their third version of this rifle, after this and this. It is designed to pierce a 10-mm armor plate from a distance of 1. 7x109. 개요 [편집] 우크라이나 의 총기 생산업체인 스나이펙스 (Snipex) [1] 에서 생산하고 있는 14. 223K subscribers 47K views 4 months ago #ukrainerussiaconflict #ukraine #sniper Adopted by Ukrainian forces in 2020, the Snipex Alligator is a Ukrainian anti. 5x114mm ammunition. The Ukrainian-made Snipex Alligator is a fearsome 6ft 5in, 55lb sniper rifle. To clarify - for non-HE/non-DD ammo 14. I have not, but I really like the marketing team. . 5 x 114 mm. . Snipex M75, Snipex M100. All of parts are logically named. După cum sugerează și fotografiile, pușca Snipex Alligator este o „bestie” de armă. “The Snipex Alligator long-range large-caliber magazine-fed repeating rifle is designed to engage moving and stationary targets: vehicles, communications and air defense systems, aircraft in parking areas, fortified fixed defensive positions, dugouts, etc. You will need sandpaper, files, drill bits and taps if you want to make this the most realistic as possible. Оптичний приціл SNIPEX SCFF-30 5-30х56Photo credit: Snipex. यह राइफल इतना ताकतवर है कि चार मील (6. 5mm ammo, but has been adapted to the more common 12. com] See APES Scopes if you only wish to use our custom scopes like shortdot, shinigami and more. The Alligator is a 14. 5×114: 12. 5×114 mm anti-materiel rifle after passing state trials, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on Facebook on 2 March. 5mm rifles, and are adopting all of Snipex's products in this caliber. 5mm is better than either . 5x114 (Alligator) and a 20mm used in a Vulcan Cannon. Snipex Alligator is a Ukrainian long-range rifle produced since 2020. Sign in. PBR 4k texture set + Occlusion Effect. Snipex T-Rex: Single-shot Brought into service at the start of 2021. The Snipex Alligator is a bolt-action, magazine-fed anti-materiel rifle chambered in 14. Snipex, a Ukrainian company specialized in designing and manufacturing anti-materiel rifles, has recently announced the release of a new rifle called Alligator. Сьогодні, 31 грудня, в компанії повідомили, що за результатом. Shoots a 1000 grain projectile at 3300 ft/s with 24,000 ft lbs of energy. As powerful as Barrett’s invention was, Ukraine’s new Snipex Alligator anti-materiel rifle goes one further. 5 km with a single bullet. . 14,5×114 мм однозарядна великокаліберна антиматеріальна гвинтівка ручного заряджання T-REX. 5x114 mm. It can destroy various equipment. 6 lbs), has a 1,200 mm barrel (47″), and an overall length of 2,000 mm (79″). TazMan2000. . 7x108. As the Snipex Alligator is such a large weapon, it makes sense that its ammunition would be, as well. (Destroys light tanks at long distance). 5x114 rifles, including the extremely erogenous semi-auto Snipex Monomakh, seem to be off-limits. A flood advisory had been issued for the area. The 14. Kyiv's troops are using the weapon in. 5x114mm Anti-Materiel Rifle (Snipex) Last summer we reported on the development of a new magazine-fed Ukrainian anti-materiel rifle – the Alligator. Design. The Alligator, developed. 5 × 114 mm caliber with a magazine feed of cartridges. It is a bolt-action sniper rifle chambered in. 5mm rifle is a devastating weapon in its own right, but watch this Ukrainian soldier use it with a suppressor. The test round inserted into the breech. "The Ukrainian armed forces have adopted the Snipex Alligator 14. Snipex Alligator: Size does matter #shorts The Snipex Alligator long-range large-caliber magazine-fed repeating rifle is designed to engage moving and stati. The rifle, fully assembled, is six feet, six inches long (longer than the average sniper is tall) and weighs 50. 23 mil 12 mil. British special forces have been teaching Ukrainian snipers how to use the Snipex Alligator. (फोटोः विकिपीडिया) स्निपेक्स एलिगेटर एक एंटी-मैटेरियल राइफल (Anti. As powerful as Barrett’s invention was, Ukraine’s new Snipex Alligator anti-materiel rifle goes one further. The current world record for a long-range sniper kill is 3,540 meterstaken in 2017 by a Canadian special forces sniper in Iraq. Snipex Alligator — багатозарядна великокаліберна гвинтівка з поздовжньо-поворотним затвором та подачею набоїв калібру 14,5×114 мм з магазину, виробництва компанії ХАДО-Холдінг. The Alligator, developed by Snipex, is a highly specialized weapon, and a big one at that. Призначена для ураження рухомих і нерухомих. The Snipex Alligator, designed to use the 14. It was originally developed for the PTRS. It can fire a 14. The Snipex Alligator is an anti-materiel rifle (Snipex) The 14. 5x114mm which is being used by Ukraine in their massive rifle: the Snipex Alligator. Snipex is the subsidiary of XADO Chemical Group, that’s why there is “XADO” engraved on the receiver.